Charity Activity
Charity is at the very heart of Freemasonry with charity continuing to play a major role in our lodge activities with a range of charities, both local as well as national being supported. This support comes from the goodwill of the brethren themselves and no outside funding is ever sought, nor do we solicit funding through street collections or similar fund raising activities, all donations being made by the brethren directly.

For the Financial year 2019/2020, the MCF has given 10 Local Hampshire & Isle of White Charities over £30,380

Freemasonry has a long and proud history of charitable giving which continues today through the work of the MCF.
In 2022 Hampshire & Isle of White Masons launched a new 5 year festival (2027 Festival). As with previous Festivals, the aim is for Masonic Lodges within the Province to raise funds to support the MCF in its charitable work, both locally and nationally.
2016 Festival
The 2016 Festival raised a staggering £7,746,319
St Christopher Lodge No. 7919 supported the 2016 RMTGB Festival and was presented with the platinum Festival Gavel in recognition of the efforts of the Brethren involved.
In all of this our Masonic Charitable Foundation plays a huge role by providing financial support to numerous charities, indeed Freemasonry is second only to the National Lottery in supporting charitable causes in the UK as well as providing financial support abroad.